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Construction law

Construction law and litigation

Clients, contractors, and subcontractors face complex requirements and regulations within the construction industry. We have in-depth knowledge of the applicable laws and regulations, as well as how supervisory authorities operate in construction projects. We provide advice on how to best organize operations to comply with current legislation and ensure effective project execution. Our approach is results-oriented, and we engage in constructive and value-creating dialogue with authorities and relevant parties on behalf of our clients to ensure smooth project progress.

We have extensive experience in handling construction disputes and assist our clients in both national and international construction disputes.

We can assist our clients with:

  • Advice on contract negotiations and drafting.
  • Conflict management and resolution of disputes between clients, contractors, and subcontractors.
  • Assistance with delays, financial issues, and quality assurance in construction projects.
  • Support with claims for compensation or defects in construction work.
  • Help with understanding and complying with relevant laws and regulations in the construction industry.
Contact us
Photo of Nikolaj Bak-Christensen
Nikolaj Bak-Christensen
Attorney | Partner
Now, for tomorrow
We believe in the strength of good relationships. Let’s meet the future together.
Contact us today